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In-game store
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2022 9:21 pm
by Ace-B-Colson
I think an in game purchase and trade store would be brilliant, Where you can trade limited items such as cues and table cloths with other players, but to gain better valued items in store you have to purchase with in game currency to climb levels (which are reset every so often) PvP trade can be any items (such as cue balls or referee voices) the table itself, Then you can implement a system of play on a opponent's table which I think would be cool
Re: In-game store
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2022 3:15 am
by MRaja
Hi Ace, thanks for your great suggestions!
We are introducing a Cue Store in the next update which will require Cue Parts and virtual Qash to buy. Each cue will come with addons. The first version of the Cue Store will be quite basic but we'll be adding to it with every update. Cue Parts can be obtained by completing certain tasks and challenges. The full details will be released soon. There will be a lot more in the online store but it's just a matter of time.
Thanks for your ideas, we'll note these down.
Re: In-game store
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:31 pm
by Ace-B-Colson
No problem, Glad to help
I have another suggestion to do with the gameplay, It doesn't bother me but I can see it bothering others,
It's to do with after a shot, more specifically snookers,
I think some kind of lock feature is needed so the cue remains in place until it is released with a right click or something similar, Or a marker that shows the last spot the white ball hit the cushion simply because it is somewhat difficult to remember the exact positioning of your last shot on an all green table (Its to do with 2D and 3D gameplay as in the perspective is different)
Also I have another suggestion to do with indication, When there is no shot possible at all on the cue ball (completely red) I think an indication while aiming with the cue will be very helpful,
Like I said it doesn't bother me so much but I can guess for someone just starting to learn to play online snooker and subsequently learn snooker itself, would find the above mentioned very frustrating
Re: In-game store
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 7:55 pm
by MRaja
Thanks a lot, Ace! Excellent suggestions. We will take these in for some discussions.