Last black after shot timer

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Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:42 pm

Last black after shot timer

Post by ROHAN147 »

My last frame finished around 1905 indian standard time.. played against khumpana it was a black ball game . Last ball was played after timer went zero.. plz have a look into it. Thanks in advance

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Re: Last black after shot timer

Post by SquaredCue »

Hello Rohan,

In timerless games, the 90 seconds is not a hard limit for the shot. What happens at the expiry of that 90 seconds is that the opponent gets a popup in the lower left corner where he can choose to end the game or abort the game. This choice is available for 20 minutes. Until the non-offender selects either option, the player on still has the possibility to shoot! Snooker is a gentlemen's game. In this situation, it is up to the non-offender to decide the fate of the frame or wait some more, up to 20 minutes, for the player on to come back and take his shot.

In timered games, the expiry of the shot timer is an immediate foul with the usual consequences of fouls.

I believe your game was not a timered one because if it had been, the player whose timer expired on the last black in a black ball game would have lost the frame immediately.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2021 2:42 pm

Re: Last black after shot timer

Post by ROHAN147 »

Oh ok didnt knw this about timerless games thought it was a 90 sec timer.. thanks will keep in mind

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