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Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2024 12:37 pm


Post by sd147 »

Hey fellas,

new to the game and trying to understand, how I can gain accuracy.
Some shots are more difficult, so what do I have to do to be accurate in these situations.

It looks random to me.

Also I have to say its stange that some longpots you can screw all over the table with ease, and on the other hand some standard reds around the black seem to be very difficult.


Posts: 171
Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:17 pm

Re: Accuracy

Post by SquaredCue »


Check out the video about error margins, that could answer your questions. The break building video is also very useful. You can find them in the Videos section in the lobby.

Main goals for cue ball positioning, break building:
- short / medium distance between cue ball and object ball
- straight shots or small potting angles
- keep the cue ball away from cushions and balls to cue above

The best way to get better at these is to practice a lot. Use the the lineups, start with the straight lineup.

Enjoy your games.

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