Impossible pot

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Posts: 204
Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:17 pm

Impossible pot

Post by SquaredCue »

Well, not impossible but it takes a strange approach. The path of the red is blocked by the black ball, yet one can pot the red into that pocket by double or multiple touches by the white. With the speed and spin shown, the pack of reds is split and a winning break is on started with pink as the first colour.

Try this shot in practice mode and write about your results. Everyone is welcome to come up with interesting shots, either pure trick shots or shots that can come in handy in real games, too, in some rare situations.

Black is blocking the path to the corner
Black is blocking the path to the corner
pot-impossible-red-1.png (116.58 KiB) Viewed 6664 times

Pot the red with this shot
Pot the red with this shot
pot-impossible-red-2.png (177.78 KiB) Viewed 6664 times

Posts: 204
Joined: Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:17 pm

Re: Impossible pot

Post by SquaredCue »

Another "impossible" pot into the top left corner: the red is on the cushion, the white is at the middle pocket. The potting angle is greater than 90 degrees, yet one can pot the red into the corner pocket. Line up the shot so that the aiming just misses the red ball, the white will hit the cushion first and the side spin will throw the white ball towards the red, which will pot easily.

This kind of shot can come in handy in real games, too. If the red is a little off the cushion, a small adjustment is needed in the aiming.

angle > 90° and it is pottable!
angle > 90° and it is pottable!
pot-impossible-90deg.png (179.81 KiB) Viewed 6657 times

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