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Post by Connor-laad »

Hi all

Would anyone be interesting in starting a league?

We could make it so you and your opponent set a date to play.

You play two league games a week, any day that suits you and your opponent .

If you fail to play, you forfeit game by losing ranking points etc.

What is your thoughts?

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Re: League

Post by Wizard »

Sounds good. Not many use this forum at the moment may need to throw the idea around in the game chat to get a few interested. Any thoughts on number of players to make it worth a go?

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Re: League

Post by Juggernaut »

Hey Connor,

From past experiences, running a league manually is a huge headache. Constantly chasing after people for updates on scores and encouraging them to complete their games. Some people lose interest in the league after they lose a few games. Some users want to leave the league half-way through. It can get really messy and stressful.

The best way is an automated league but even that is not perfect. We are planning to introduce a league system in the near future but it'll need some careful planning.

If you want to run a manual league right now, you'll have to pick people who you trust that won't make it a nightmare for the organizer. I ran a few leagues manually on the other game and none of them went perfectly. There was always someone who had to cause drama and ruin it for the rest of us :lol:

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Re: League

Post by pobzy »

I agree we need something more than friendlys with the odd special. I also know that manually setting these up or even setting these up from a DEV point of view isnt straight forward. I feel it needs to start with reputable players joining (if the want too) consisting of players who have been here for a few months who consistently play and there would need to be severe consequences for players who join with no intention of playing / knowing they can't commit to the task.

Maybe start with interest in a league and then evaluate.

So many players are getting better and now forms showing that know ones going to beat everyone, I think it could be a good addition.

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